Results for 'Tom P. Fleming'

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  1.  19
    Endocytosis and epithelial biogenesis in the mouse early embryo.Tom P. Fleming - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (3):105-109.
    The polarized organization of epithelial cells is expressed in many ways including the morphology of the cell surface or cytocortex, the molecular composition of membrane domains and the distribution of cytoplasmic organelles. The differentiation of mouse trophectoderm is described with particular attention given to the maturation of the endocytic system in an attempt to define how the complex assembly of an epithelium may be generated.
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    Trapped by a skeleton‐the maintenance of epithelial membrane domains.Tom P. Fleming - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (4):179-181.
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    The Napoleon of Notting Hill.Tom Fleming - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (4):509-511.
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    (1 other version)Ethics: the key thinkers.Tom P. S. Angier (ed.) - 2012 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Plato Tom Angier -- Aristotle Timothy Chappell -- Stoics Jacob Klein -- Aquinas Vivian Boland O.P -- Hume Peter Millican -- Kant Ralph Walker -- Hegel Kenneth Westphal -- Marx Sean Sayers -- Mill Krister Bykvist -- Nietzsche Ken Gemes and Christoph Schuringa -- Macintyre David Solomon.
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    Does Philosophy Have a Future?Tom P. Abeles - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (1-2):55-62.
    In today’s world driven by technological innovation and change, publisher John Brockman has proclaimed scientists as the new “humanists”. Many in the science arena have seized the public podium not only to discuss advances in their area of expertise, but often to speak almost ex cathedra, on the social and philosophical implications for humans and the planet itself. The break with The Church in the 15th & 16th century set in motion a secular humanism which began the movement within the (...)
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  6. Either Kierkegaard/or Nietzsche: Moral Philosophy in a New Key.Tom P. S. Angier - 2006 - Ashgate.
    A systematic comparison between Kierkegaard's and Nietzsche's ethics. I argue that Kierkegaard supplies a proleptic and largely successful critique of Nietzsche's claims and arguments in moral philosophy.
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    Skill in Ancient Ethics: The Legacy of China, Greece and Rome.Tom P. S. Angier & Lisa Ann Raphals (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection illustrates the centrality of skill within ancient ethics, including ancient Chinese ethics, showing how skill or techne has been a touchstone from the beginning of philosophical thought. Covering Socrates' search for expertise in virtue, the Republic's 'craft of justice', Aristotle's delineation of the politike techne and the Stoics' 'art of life'. Divided into four sections on Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics and Chinese ethics, it brings together world-leading philosophers working across this broad topic. Yet it is not limited to (...)
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  8.  75
    The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights.Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This Handbook provides an intellectually rigorous and accessible overview of the relationship between natural law and human rights. It fills a crucial gap in the literature with leading scholarship on the importance of natural law as a philosophical foundation for human rights and its significance for contemporary debates. The themes covered include: the role of natural law thought in the history of human rights; human rights scepticism; the different notions of 'subjective right'; the various foundations for human rights within natural (...)
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    Attenuation of taste-aversion conditioning in rats recovered from thiamine deficiency: Atropine vs. lithium toxicosis.S. P. Sparenborg, W. F. Buskist, H. L. Miller, D. E. Fleming & P. C. Duncan - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):237-239.
  10.  8
    Secret Germany / Crooked Germany: Ernst H. Kantorowicz.P. Fleming - 2016 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2016 (176):102-120.
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    A Robert Spaemann Reader: Philosophical Essays on Nature, God, and the Human Person. [REVIEW]Tom P. S. Angier - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (270):194-196.
    A Robert Spaemann Reader: Philosophical Essays on Nature, God, and the Human Person. Edited and translated by.. Pp. 241. Price £62.16.).
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    The Vocabulary of Philosophy: Mental, Moral, and Metaphysical.William Fleming & C. P. Krauth - 2014 - Literary Licensing, LLC.
    This Is A New Release Of The Original 1858 Edition.
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  13.  12
    (1 other version)Introduction.P. Fleming, R. Campe & K. Wetters - 2012 - Télos 2012 (158):3-7.
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    The achievement of David Novak: a Catholic-Jewish dialogue.Matthew Levering, Tom P. S. Angier & David Novak (eds.) - 2021 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    This book is a Festschrift offered by twelve Catholic theologians and philosophers to the great Jewish theologian David Novak. Each of the twelve essays is followed by a response by David Novak, and it thereby represents a significant addition to his oeuvre. The book includes an introduction by Matthew Levering surveying Novak's many contributions to Jewish-Christian dialogue, as well as a transcribed conversation between Robert George and David Novak that encapsulates Novak's sense of the present situation for Jews and Christians. (...)
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  15.  55
    Strange Positions.Gordon Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield - 1999 - In George Fleming & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), From Physics to Philosophy. pp. 108--165.
    The current status of localization and related concepts, especially localized statevectors and position operators, within Lorentz-invariant Quantum Theory (LIQT) is ambiguous and controversial.1 Ever since the early work of Newton & Wigner (1949), and the subsequent extensions of their work, particularly by Hegerfeldt (1974, 1985), it has seemed impossible to identify localized statevectors or position operators in LIQT that were not counterintuitive—strange—in one way or another; the most striking strange property being the superluminal propagation of the localized states. The ambiguous (...)
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  16.  6
    Introduction.P. Fleming & P. U. Hohendahl - 2016 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2016 (176):3-10.
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  17.  38
    The utility of the Illness Perception Questionnaire in the evaluation of mental health practitioners' perspectives on patients with schizophrenia.Mick P. Fleming, Colin R. Martin, Jeremy Miles & John Atkinson - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (5):826-831.
  18.  42
    Chesterton in Croatia.Stratford Caldecott, David L. Schindler, Dermot Quinn, Marijo Zivkovic, William Kingston & Tom Fleming - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (1):19-39.
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  19.  68
    The Notion of Limited Perfect Adaptedness in Darwin's Principle of Divergence.Leonore Fleming - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (1):1-22.
    Darwin begins On the Origin of Species by asking the reader to “reflect on the vast diversity of the plants and animals which have been cultivated” (1859, p. 7); almost five-hundred pages later, he closes by having the reader consider the “endless forms most beautiful and wonderful” that have evolved (1859, p. 490). Darwin contemplates diversity throughout the Origin and presents the principle of divergence as a way to explain it. Darwin formulated the principle of divergence around 1857 (Browne 1980), (...)
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  20.  23
    Intuitions as Invitations.Patrick Fleming - 2015 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 11 (1):23-36.
    Recently, there has been a great deal of skepticism about appeals to intuitions in philosophy. Appeals to intuition often get expressed in the form of what ‘we’ believe. Many people take the ‘we’ in this context to refer to what the folk believe. So the claim about what we believe is an empirical claim. And it looks like the support for this claim comes from a biased sample consisting solely of analytic philosophers. In this paper I want to explain a (...)
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  21. Kant and Strawson on the Objectivity Thesis.Patrick Fleming - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (2):173-180.
    In the Transcendental Deductions, Kant attempts to establish the necessary applicability of the categories to what is encountered in experience. As I see it, the argument is intended to deduce two distinct, but, in Kant’s eyes, interrelated, claims. The first is that it is a necessity that experience be of an objective world. Call this rough idea the objectivity thesis. The second thesis is that the categoriesapply only to mere appearances, that is, the world insofar as we structure it. Call (...)
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  22.  40
    A Moderate Dose of Alcohol Does Not Influence Experience of Social Ostracism in Hazardous Drinkers.Joseph Buckingham, Abigail Moss, Krisztina Gyure, Neil Ralph, Chandni Hindocha, Will Lawn, H. Valerie Curran & Tom P. Freeman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  23.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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  24.  28
    Associative history, not familiarity, determines strength of taste-aversion conditioning in thiamine-deficient rats.W. F. Buskist, H. L. Miller, D. E. Fleming & S. P. Sparenborg - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (2):104-106.
  25.  13
    The History of Evil.Chad V. Meister, Charles Taliaferro & Tom P. S. Angier (eds.) - 2018 - New York: History of Evil.
    Volume I. The history of evil in antiquity : 2000 BCD-450 CE -- volume II. The history of evil in the medieval age : 450-1450 -- volume III. The history of evil in the early modern age : 1450-1700 -- volume IV. The history of evil in the 18th and 19th centuries : 1700-1900 -- volume V. The history of evil in the early twentieth century : 1900-1950 -- volume VI. The history of evil from the mid-twentieth century to today (...)
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  26.  51
    Investigating the interaction between schizotypy, divergent thinking and cannabis use.Gráinne Schafer, Amanda Feilding, Celia Ja Morgan, Maria Agathangelou, Tom P. Freeman & H. Valerie Curran - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):292-298.
  27.  49
    (J.P.) Holoka Ed. and trans. Simone Weil's The Iliad or the Poem of Force. A Critical Edition. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2003. Pp. x + 130. $19.95. 0820463612. [REVIEW]Katie Fleming - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:223-223.
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  28.  72
    Where Are We in the Justification of Research Involving Chimpanzees?Tom L. Beauchamp, Hope R. Ferdowsian & John P. Gluck - 2012 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 22 (3):211-242.
    On December 15, 2011, a final report was issued by the Committee on the Use of Chimpanzees in Biomedical and Behavioral Research, which had been convened by the U. S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) in collaboration with National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies. Within a month of its release, this report was designated by Wired Science one of the “top scientific discoveries of 2011” (Wired Science Staff 2011). The ad hoc Committee responsible for this report was formed at (...)
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  29.  76
    Rethinking the ethics of research involving nonhuman animals: introduction.Tom L. Beauchamp, Hope R. Ferdowsian & John P. Gluck - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):91-96.
    In the relatively short time since 2006—when Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics published an issue on moral issues relevant to the use of nonhuman animals in research [1]—significant changes have occurred for nonhuman animals in many quarters. Public sentiment, new policy initiatives, and scientific studies of nonhuman animals’ capacities have all influenced the ways in which nonhuman animals are perceived and treated in research. Today, a large body of information is available for use in decision making about the acceptability of using (...)
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  30.  38
    By Author BAGHERI, Alireza. Criticism of “Brain.Tom L. Beauchamp, Howard Brody, Franklin G. Miller, Alexander S. Curtis, Martina Darragh, Patricia Milmoe, Ronald M. U. S. Green, Sharona Hoffman, Edmund G. Howe & Jeffrey P. Kahn - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (4):407-09.
  31.  46
    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Bart J. Koet, Ben Vedder, Ton Meijers, Karl-Wilhelm Merks, Walter Van Herck, Ruud Welten, Marianne Moyaert, Paul Schotsmans, Tom Meulenberg & Annemie Dillen - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (4):493-508.
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  32. Natural illumination, shadows and primate colour vision.Tom Troscianko, C. Alejandro Parraga, P. George Lovell, D. J. Tolhurst, R. J. Baddeley & U. Leonards - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co.
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  33.  41
    The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice.F. Barbara Orlans, Tom L. Beauchamp, Rebecca Dresser, David B. Morton & John P. Gluck - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The first set of case studies on animal use, this volume offers a thorough, up-to-date exploration of the moral issues related to animal welfare. Its main purpose is to examine how far it is ethically justifiable to harm animals in order to benefit mankind. An excellent introduction provides a framework for the cases and sets the background of philosophical and moral concepts underlying the subject. Sixteen original, previously unpublished essays cover controversies associated with the human use of animals in a (...)
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  34.  30
    Safety Culture in Financial Trading: An Analysis of Trading Misconduct Investigations.Meghan P. Leaver & Tom W. Reader - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (2):461-481.
    High-profile failures in financial trading have led to interest in how the culture of the industry produces risky and unethical behaviours among traders. Yet, there is no established theoretical framework for studying this: we apply safety culture theory to examine ten recent high-profile trading mishaps investigated by the UK financial regulator. The results show that the dimensions of safety culture used to understand organisational accidents in domains such as aviation also explain failures in Risk Management within financial trading organisations. This (...)
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  35.  20
    Intellectual Property: Moral, Legal, and International Dilemmas.John P. Barlow, David H. Carey, James W. Child, Marci A. Hamilton, Hugh C. Hansen, Edwin C. Hettinger, Justin Hughes, Michael I. Krauss, Charles J. Meyer, Lynn Sharp Paine, Tom C. Palmer, Eugene H. Spafford & Richard Stallman - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    As the expansion of the Internet and the digital formatting of all kinds of creative works move us further into the information age, intellectual property issues have become paramount. Computer programs costing thousands of research dollars are now copied in an instant. People who would recoil at the thought of stealing cars, computers, or VCRs regularly steal software or copy their favorite music from a friend's CD. Since the Web has no national boundaries, these issues are international concerns. The contributors-philosophers, (...)
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  36.  33
    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Tom F. Digby, P. H. Steedman, Ruth W. Bauer, Joseph C. Bronars Jr, Dorothy Huenecke, Georgia I. Gudykunst, Richard L. Hopkins, William W. Beck, Joseph A. Browde & Michael A. Oliker - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (1):98-109.
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    Self-Esteem as a Complex Dynamic System: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Microlevel Dynamics.Naomi M. P. de Ruiter, Tom Hollenstein, Paul L. C. van Geert & E. Saskia Kunnen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
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  38.  24
    The effect of a self‐management intervention on health care utilization in a sample of chronically ill older patients in the Netherlands.Henrike Elzen, Joris P. J. Slaets, Tom A. B. Snijders & Nardi Steverink - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):159-161.
  39.  9
    America's War on Terror.Patrick Hayden, Tom Lansford & Robert P. Watson (eds.) - 2003 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Taking a cue from the appalling incidents of September 2001, these essays explore the ostensible reasons behind the American war on terrorism, apologize for the pre-emptive nature of the war itself and address the concept of terrorism in the moral discourse of humanity.
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  40.  63
    P.F. Strawson’s Soft Naturalism: A Radicalisation and Defence.Tom Whyman - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (4):561-581.
    ABSTRACTAnalytic philosophy is often associated with a physicalistic naturalism that privileges natural-scientific modes of explanation. Nevertheless there has since the 1980s been a heterodox, somewhat subterranean trend within analytic philosophy that seeks to articulate a more expansive, ‘non-reductive‘ conception of nature. This trend can be traced back to P.F. Strawson’s 1985 book Skepticism and Naturalism: Some Varieties. However, Strawson has long been ignored in the literature around ‘soft naturalism’ – especially in comparison to John McDowell. One of the reasons for (...)
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  41. Gappiness and the Case for Liberalism About Phenomenal Properties.Tom McClelland - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly (264):536-558.
    Conservatives claim that all phenomenal properties are sensory. Liberals countenance non-sensory phenomenal properties such as what it’s like to perceive some high-level property, and what it’s like to think that p. A hallmark of phenomenal properties is that they present an explanatory gap, so to resolve the dispute we should consider whether experience has non-sensory properties that appear ‘gappy’. The classic tests for ‘gappiness’ are the invertibility test and the zombifiability test. I suggest that these tests yield conflicting results: non-sensory (...)
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  42.  28
    Simon P. James. How Nature Matters.Tom Greaves - 2023 - Environmental Philosophy 20 (2):333-337.
  43.  47
    (1 other version)Pavel Apostol: R. I. P.Tom Rockmore - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 29 (2):87-87.
  44.  32
    The mettle of moral fundamentalism: A reply to Robert Baker.Tom L. Beauchamp - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):389-401.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Mettle of Moral Fundamentalism: A Reply to Robert Baker*Tom L. Beauchamp (bio)AbstractThis article is a reply to Robert Baker’s attempt to rebut moral fundamentalism, while grounding international bioethics in a form of contractarianism. Baker is mistaken in several of his interpretations of the alleged moral fundamentalism and findings of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. He also misunderstands moral fundamentalism generally and wrongly categorizes it as morally (...)
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  45. Moral Issues and Gender Differences in Ethical Judgment using Reidenbach and Robin’s (1990) Multidimensional Ethics Scale: Implications in Teaching of Business Ethics.Nhung T. Nguyen, M. Tom Basuray, William P. Smith, Donald Kopka & Donald McCulloh - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (4):417-430.
    In this study, we examined moral issues and gender differences in ethical judgment using Reidenbach and Robin’s [Journal of Business Ethics9 (1990) 639) multidimensional ethics scale (MES). A total of 340 undergraduate students were asked to provide ethical judgment by rating three moral issues in the MES labeled: ‚sales’, ‚auto’, and ‚retail’ using three ethics theories: moral equity, relativism, and contractualism. We found that female students’ ratings of ethical judgment were consistently higher than that of male students across two out (...)
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  46.  68
    On believing that I am thinking.Tom Stoneham - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (2):125-44.
    It is argued that a second-order belief to the effect that I now have some particular propositional attitude is always true (Incorrigibility). This is not because we possess an infallible cognitive faculty of introspection, but because that x believes that he himself now has attitude A to proposition P entails that x has A to P. Incorrigibility applies only to second-order beliefs and not to mere linguistic avowals of attitudes. This view combines a necessary asymmetry between 1st and 3rd person (...)
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  47. Boghossian on empty natural kind concepts.Tom Stoneham - 1999 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 99 (1):119-22.
    Paul Boghossian has argued that Externalism is incompatible with privileged self-knowledge because (i) the Externalist can cite no property to be the reference of an empty natural kind concept such as the ether; (ii) without reference there is no content; hence (iii) either we do know on the basis of introspection alone whether an apparent natural kind thought has content or not, in which case we can infer from self-knowledge and a priori knowledge of Externalism alone to the existence in (...)
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  48.  4
    Nietzsches Begriff des Lebens und die evangelische Theologie: eine Interpretation Nietzsches und Untersuchungen zu seiner Rezeption bei Schweitzer, Tillich und Barth.Tom Kleffmann - 2003 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Tom Kleffmann provides a thorough interpretation of Nietzsche's concept of life in the chronological order of his writings. He also deals with the reception of this concept of life in German Protestant theology up to approximately 1930 analyzing works by Albert Schweitzer, Karl Barth and P. Tillich. German description: In der Philosophie Friedrich Nietzsches wird die kritische Wahrheit des Lebens atheistisch und doch in quasi-religioser Totalitat behauptet - und dies in einer Sprachmachtigkeit, die der zeitgenossischen Theologie zu fehlen (...)
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    "How Do Mādhyamikas Think?" Revisited.Tom J. F. Tillemans - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (3):417-425.
    In an article published in 2009 titled "How Do Mādhyamikas Think?" I tried to go some distance with Yasuo Deguchi, Jay Garfield, and Graham Priest (henceforth "DGP") in reading certain Buddhist texts as dialetheist.1 The dialetheism that I saw as plausible for the Prajñāpāramitā-sūtras and Nāgārjuna was not the full-blown robust variety of DGP (i.e., acceptance of the truth of some statement of the form p & ¬p) but a non-adjunctive variety, acceptance of p and acceptance of ¬p. In short, (...)
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    Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdés-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2):165-183.
    Continuous recordings of brain electrical activity were obtained from a group of 176 patients throughout surgical procedures using general anesthesia. Artifact-free data from the 19 electrodes of the International 10/20 System were subjected to quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram (QEEG). Induction was variously accomplished with etomidate, propofol or thiopental. Anesthesia was maintained throughout the procedures by isoflurane, desflurane or sevoflurane (N = 68), total intravenous anesthesia using propofol (N = 49), or nitrous oxide plus narcotics (N = 59). A set (...)
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